Tuesday, March 22, 2011

An insider's view on education

Let's face it, education is doing a fast and furious downward spiral. I have to admit that Obama is failing me in this arena, though I'd like to get his ear and let him know all of the consequences of the policies he's putting through. Here's the simplified version of Bush's and Obama's policies and the effects they have on the kids:

No Child Left Behind turned into a few things... No Child Left Untested... All Children Are Exactly The Same And Should Have Exactly The Same Education. Any way you looked at it, this policy left millions of children behind. Schools slid into "SURR" (school under registration review) status faster than they could be helped. Thousands of children were flung into the mainstream classes, both from classes tailored to children with special needs and from AP and excellerated classes.

Under the new administration, teachers are the enemy. Teachers are incompetant. If a school is failing, they'll give the district millions of dollars to fire everyone and start over! Starting over means they are allowed to rehire half the staff! There are four models under this administration that a district can follow when a school is designatted PLA (persistantly low achieving... as opposed to SURR under the previous administration): 1) Closure - exactly what it sounds like. Everyone in the building goes somewhere else. All students are supposed to be redistributed to schools that are NOT designated PLA schools. 2) Restart - close the school and reopen it under a charter or educational management organization. 3) Transformation - get rid of the principal and provide the staff with the training necessary to succeed... oh yeah, and "reward" teachers who students perform well. 4) Turnaround - fire the principal and staff (50% of which can be rehired), "reward" "good" teachers, provide professional development to promote success.

Notice how neither of these administrations really look at FIXING poor performing schools. Being an educator, I see the all the wonderful and horrible things that happen. For example, districts who take the top performing 30% of students and places them in a few "special" schools and then takes all of the students with special needs and packs them into other "special" schools... I thought that was called segregation? If that's too strong of a word, I'm sorry. But think about how a school is going to succeed when they more than 50% of their students have special needs?

Today, all children in New York State are espected to get a Regent's diploma. In order to get this diploma, students have to pass five Regent's exams. Students with identified with special needs have special exams, but they can only take them once they have failed the Regent's. To combat this, the grading of the Regent's exams has gotten easier and easier. On the English Regent's exam, students only have to get 60% of the multiple choice questions correct and get a 6 out of 10 on the writing. The History Regents' are graded much like the English, but if they get a 6 out of 10 on the essays, they only need 32 out of 62 multiple choice! Better yet, to pass the Biology Regent's, a student only has to get 35 out of 85 points...that's 41%! The Algebra Regent's is slightly more dismal... 30 out of 87 points, which is only 34%!

What are the solutions? I'm not going to repeat what has already been written by Arthur Scott (http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial-page/viewpoints/article371710.ece) in the Buffalo News on Sunday. Read his beautiful article and think about over the next few weeks the impact that poor schools will have on the future of this country.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lewis Black on Glenn Beck

Check out this video from The Daily Show:

I have to say that Glenn Beck is one of my least favorite people in the country. He is the most asinine RETARD I have ever heard speak. It kills me when I talk to people who WORSHIP him. I want to scream in their face "GROW A BRAIN!"

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Musings from Mexico

This isn't a strictly political blog post, though the inspiration for it came from a conversation with a taxi driver in Zihuatanejo, Mexico about a recent election. Our taxi driver was a very nice gentleman somewhere in his late forties or early fifties, though it has always been hard for me to put an age to people from other countries. My husband asked him if there was an election coming up, as there were banners up all over the place. The driver informed us that the election had past and that the man with the yellow signs won. When my husband asked him if that was a good thing, his responde was: "Who knows! He made so many promises, like they all do. But no one ever follows through with them."

I think these sentiments could be uttered in just about any country in the whole world. Politicians are politicians. Everyone who goes into politics has an agenda, whether or not they are honest about it. "Civilians" who go into politics generally aren't too much different then the politicians. In general, I worry about them as much as the "professionals" because I wonder if they are power hungry or if they really know what they are doing. At least the politicians generally have some idea about the job ahead.

I am an optimist, and I guess I don't like to think that even the wildest promises are made knowing that they cannot be kept. I like to think that the people making the promises are just ignorant or what they will be capable of doing once in office. Ignorance isn't too much better than blatant lying, but at least it's not intentional.

The point of this post (as I said at the beginning) isn't political. Politics are just one thing that bond us as humans. Societies face many of the same problems, and many problems are handled in the same ways. Are there differences? Sure, but I think at it's core, humanity is humanity. To say that any one race is different or superior or lazy or anything out of the ordinary (because we are all equally out of the ordinary), is ridiculous and ignorant and politics is just one more proof of that.

And by the way, if you are ever looking for a beautiful, warm, sunny destination where you can relax and just enjoy a vacation, Zihuatanejo is the most beautiful place I have ever been (yes, I think it beats out Broome, Australia, the previous holder of this distiction). It's not the cheapest place, but it is stunning and the people are so friendly and it is just a great environment! We'll definitely be coming back!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Christopher Lee

What is it about men in positions of power that makes them think they are invincible? Christopher Lee is just the latest of a long line of men who have been caught with their proverbial pants down. Does the power go to their head? Or more appropriately, their penis?

If you haven't heard about Christopher Lee, yet, OPEN A NEWSPAPER! Turn on the news! He's all over it! Apparantly, he went into the "women seeking men" section of Craigslist and started exchanging emails with a women. In these emails, he describes himself as a 39-year-old lobbying and a "fit and classy guy". When pointedly asked if he was divorced, he said yes. He even had the nerve to say that the last woman he dated wasn't "as advertised"! Did he think this woman was too stupid to find him out? After doing a quick google search of his name, she discovered that he was in fact 46, A CONGRESSMAN and MARRIED! DOH! And check out the pic he sent her:

Seriously?! THAT'S the kind of pic you send to extra-marrital lady friends?! Nice muscles, pal! And then a second later he let out his breath that he had been holding and his whole body dropped five inches!

So then TWO HOURS after it hits the news, what does he do? RESIGNS! Oh no, he's not guilty! Not at all! It was all a lie! Someone hacked his email! HAHAHAHAHAHA! What a joke! My question is: what is out there right now that makes this picture and whole story look like child's play? Because seriously? You wouldn't resign if this was all. This is a pretty pathetic story compared to Spitzer's a few years back! And it took him TWO DAYS to resign! And he was sleeping with prostitutes! $1000/hour prostitutes! Lee just sent a lame picture to some woman and he resigns after two hours!

*head shake*


The next few weeks should be interesting...